Monday, March 18, 2013

$1/2 NL Holdem Players Are Scared - Betting Exhibit A

I wasn't expecting to come back to the topic so soon, but I believe the day I posted I played at the Venetian, I found a clear cut case of overbetting...seriously:

Stevie: JJ          Player 1: A-10 h              Player 3: 33

Pre-Flop: Fold, Limp, Limp, Stevie Limp, Raise to 12, Fold, Call, Call, Player 3 Call, Fold, Call, Call, Stevie Call

Pot Size: $86

First off, this is one way not to play pocket Jacks...

Second, the raiser was probably in the same boat as I am: Not particularly happy with six opponents seeing the flop. It's an easy call for Player 3 in the big blind, pure pot odds and set mining.

Flop: 3-2-T (rainbow)

Check, Player 3 Check, Check Stevie Check (I want to see what she bets)

Player 1 bets $105


Yes, top-pair-top-kicker is a good flop for ATh, but for three-digits? A little over-protecting I believe, but as I referenced before, when you overbet, two kinds of players are generally going to call you:

- A big enough draw to handle it (and 4-5 is just not going to cut it here, sorry folks).
- A better hand (overpair for me and a flopped set for Player 3)

Players start dropping like flies, except for Player 3, who flat calls the bet. Everyone folds to me and after analyzing the situation (and also remembering that, yes, I wrote about this specific situation maybe five hours before I sat down to play), I fold as well. If it was just me, I'd probably would have a decision on my hand, 60/40 to raising her all-in. But what hand is worth justifying a flat $105 bet? A SET. The turn was a blank, Player 3 jammed, and Player 1 called drawing dead (if there was no set, my Jacks would have held up).

It takes courage to make that kind of bet on the flop in the face of six opponents, I give Player 1 that. But there has to be a smaller, more reasonable amount to bet there that would give you more information and risking less of your stack in the process...

...Then again, what am I complaining about? She bets reasonably, I'm stacking off to Player 3...

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